
Geraldton Softball Association Inc


Welcome to Season 2023/24!

Published Tue 15 Aug 2023

Welcome to Season 2023/24

Dear GSA Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am honoured and thrilled to officially introduce the new Board of Management of the Geraldton Softball Association (GSA) Board for the 2023/24 Season. Following last night's Annual General Meeting, I want to express my deep gratitude to the outgoing Board Members who faced numerous challenges over the past year, dedicating their time and efforts to ensure the functioning of the GSA.

As we embark on this new chapter, I am heartened by the remarkable number of nominations we received for the Board positions for the upcoming season. The enthusiasm and passion displayed by our members are truly inspiring, and they fuel my excitement for the future of our association.

We are well aware that there is much work to be done in order to restore the GSA to its full potential and establish a solid foundation for years to come. The incoming Board members, including myself, are brimming with enthusiasm and innovative ideas that promise to benefit the GSA in the long run. All we ask for is your patience and support as we work diligently to implement these ideas and create positive changes.

Without further ado, I am delighted to present the new GSA Board, each member ready to contribute their expertise and dedication to our association:

Chair – Paul Valenti
Vice Chair – Sean Thompson
Secretary – Hiede Jupp
Treasurer – Michelle Harris
Registrar – Judy Harrison
Grounds & Facilities – Adam Gilchrist
Player Development – Zoe Purcell
Sponsorship – Jade Dawson
Life Member Delegate – Kay Thompson
Board Member – Kerri Jefferies
Board Member – Eve Laurie
Board Member – Natalie Wisewould

In the spirit of transparency and openness, I would like to highlight some key discussions from the board meeting held last night:

- We are in the process of sourcing a new domain for the GSA, which will also involve updating our email addresses for streamlined communication.
- All Board members will gain access to Rev Sports to maximize its potential for our association.
- A meeting is scheduled for next week to address our By-Laws, followed by a dedicated By-Laws meeting for clubs to attend in the coming weeks.
- Anticipating a mid-October start for the upcoming season, we will request nominations of teams early to mid-September. This will give us the best opportunity to work with clubs to complete fixtures in advance of the season. Stay tuned for further communication on this matter.
- Our focus on player safety has led us to prioritise the state and safety of our members of the Backnet on Diamond 1. We are in the process of submitting a City Community Funds Grant application and exploring temporary solutions.
- Our commitment to an audit remains strong, and we are actively working with our accountant to finalise this process.

- We will be asking for expressions of interest to send teams to the upcoming State Championships, We have a small timeframe to organise but hope that Geraldton can be represented at the championships.

In closing, I look forward to collaborating closely with each club to foster a thriving softball community within the Geraldton Softball Association. Together, we can achieve remarkable things and make a positive impact on the sport we all love. Please keep an eye out for updates and communications as we move forward.

Thank you for your continued support, and feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or suggestions you may have.

Warm regards,

Paul Valenti
Chair, Geraldton Softball Association



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